Trendsetter Construction Inc. (TCI) began with excavation in 1978.
Today, we have served most industries, weighted heavily in Up / Midstream oil and gas; and public works. Trendsetter has expanded its services and equipment throughout the years to stay on the cutting edge of technology. For example, GPS and machine-controlled laser equipment allow Trendsetter to download engineers’ designs straight to the machine and provide the highest level of precision to deliver construction in the least amount of time.
Trendsetter produces the most consistent quality excavation in the industry, owing to highly trained employees and top-notch leadership. We can quickly and safely complete the works, from small-scale to the most complicated excavation projects, while retaining the highest quality standard.

Machine Control Excavation
- GPS enabled Equipment
- D-4, D-6, D-7, and D-8 Dozers
- Excavators
- Motor graders
Allow TCI to grade and site balance more efficiently, utilizing existing dirt /rock. With GPS machine controls, our operators can upload project designs directly to their equipment and oversee projects in real-time from the cab of their machines. Managing the task not only reduces the potential for buried line strikes andobstructions, but also increases productivity. The on-site productivity in projects has increased 30% since 2010.
Mass Excavation
- Preliminary Topo Surveys
- Site Quantity Verification-Site Balance
- Construction Stakeout
- Accurate Grading Capabilities
Maximize operating efficiency by balancing the most up-to-date equipment, technology, experience leadership, and building synergy within TCI service groups.
Projects are well-planned before executed. Managed daily using the earth quantities per day to maximize productivity and to ensure project schedules are met. Mass haul services coupled with our design team can drastically lower excavation costs. Design reviews before implementation highlight potential problems and areas that may increase efficiencies before starting a project. In the event of a design change, Trendsetter can make real-time changes in the field without losing production.

Road, Maintenance & Soil Stabilization
We have the necessary equipment to construct and maintain roads of any caliber.
- Road Construction
- Road Maintenance
- Dust Suppression
- Aggregate Supplier
GPS machine-controlled equipment allows Trendsetter to translate project designs to the ground with near-perfect accuracy.
- Stabilizers
- Compactors
- Soil Testing
Trendsetter has extensive experience in soil stabilization technologies. Lime, soil cement, CKD, and Cem-Lime are a few of the materials we install regularly. In addition, TCI can aid with roadway designs to handle any payload imageable.